Please disregard (sorta) website issue mail

Discuss and share software for making your mePed navigate and move about in the real world
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Please disregard (sorta) website issue mail

Postby andrewsi » Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:29 pm

So trying to download the meped .ino file using either the Edge or IE browsers results in a horribly misformatted file. Yes, I know, Microsoft blah, blah, but I think there's got to be a way to tag the download link such that it will try to download it as a file in most browsers rather than open it within the browser such that it needs to be copy-pasted.

Installed Firefox, was then successfully able to download and compile. :D

Definitely enjoying the bot, finished building/tweaking last night and it works well. The only significant bug I've noticed is that it occasionally seems to get stuck in a situation where no matter what IR button you press, the bot continues to repeat the last command instead. Do you think this is an IR library thing, or is it just the IR remote itself?

Thanks for a fun kit!

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Re: Please disregard (sorta) website issue mail

Postby spierce » Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:25 pm

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your feedback, I apologize for your troubles downloading the code. I hadn't tested it in IE/Edge so I wasn't aware of the problem. I think the best solution will be for me to put the Arduino Sketch in a Zip file so that web browsers don't try to open the .ino as a plain text file. Another option is to right click on the web link and choose the "Save Target As" option. This will download the file instead of trying to open it.

As for the IR issue, the IR Remote/Receiver can show erratic behavior if there is excessive Infrared light from fluorescent lights or if it’s in direct sun light. Also, pointing the remote directly at the black sensor on the IR Receiver will improve the reception. If the mePed doesn’t understand the current IR Code being sent by the IR Remote, it will repeat the last command it understood. Likewise, if you try to send a new command before the mePed is finished performing the last command, it may only get part of the new command which will cause it to repeat the last good command. Try waiting a half a second before pressing the next button on the IR Remote.

I'm glad you're enjoying the kit, thank you for your business!

Scott Pierce

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